Course Catalog
Below is a list of all courses that have been offered through the Coastal Training Program. We typically offer classes until the demand wanes. If there is a class that you would like to see offered again, please let us know, and we'll keep track of the requests

Managing the Effects of Shoreline Development
- Gaining Project Traction with Stakeholders: Strategies for Effective and Efficient Engagement
- Adaptation Planning for Coastal Communities
Environmental Negotiations
- Facilitation Skills for Scientists, Planners and Resource Managers
- How to Communicate about Climate Change
How to Explain Science, Share Data, and Build Trust: Presentation Skills for Scientists and Public Officials
Using the Marine Shoreline Design Guidelines for Marine Shoreline Stabilization
- Planning and Facilitating Collaborative Meetings
- Planning Effective Projects
- Puget Sound Coastal Processes, Shoreline Modifications, and Beach Restoration
- Sea Level Rise Adaptation: Opportunities for Planning in Washington State
- Shoreline Management and Stabilization Using Vegetation
Physical and Biological Processes
- Coastal Inundation Mapping
- Eelgrass Delineation
- Grass, Sedge, and Rush Identification for Western WA Puget Lowland Habitats
- How to Conduct a Forage Fish Survey
- Plant Identification in Central and Eastern Washington Habitats
- Winter Tree and Shrub Identification for Western WA Puget Lowland Habitats
- Using the Field Indicators for Hydric Soils
Shoreline and Environmental Laws and Administrative Procedures
- Designing and Installing Mitigation and Restoration Projects
- How to Administer Development Permits in Washington's Shorelines
- How to Administer Development Permits in Eastern Washington's Shorelines
- How to Determine the Ordinary High Water Mark
- How to Determine the Ordinary High Water Mark in Eastern WA
- How to Use Wetland Bank Credits for Mitigation
- Navigating SEPA -Here are recordings of a virtual implementation of this training from winter 2021: Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, Session 4
- Planning for Protection and Restoration of Eelgrass Habitats
- Reviewing Wetland Ratings in Western WA
- Selecting Wetland Mitigation Sites Using a Watershed Approach in Eastern WA
- Selecting Wetland Mitigation Sites Using a Watershed Approach in Western WA
- Using the Credit-Debit Method for Estimating Mitigation Needs
- Using the Credit-Debit Method for Estimating Mitigation Needs in Eastern WA
- Using the Revised Washington State Wetland Rating System (2014) in Western Washington
- Using the Revised Washington State Wetland Rating System (2014) in Eastern WA
- Using the Credit-Debit Method for Estimating Mitigation Needs in Eastern WA