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Shoreline Management and Stabilization Using Vegetation (Updated!)

  • Wednesday, May 04, 2016
  • 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Lacey Community Center, Lacey
  • 0


Registration is closed
This one-day intensive workshop is geared toward local shoreline planners, permitters, consultants, and state agency staff. The workshop focuses on the vegetation component in shoreline projects, and provides you with the tools and information to effectively review and evaluate shoreline impact mitigation proposals using native vegetation.  You will gain a working knowledge of topics such as the role of vegetation in stabilizing slopes and reducing erosion, how to identify potential slope instability using vegetation field indicators, how upland clearing or view pruning may adversely affect the shore, how to improve shoreline structural integrity and habitat using an integrated biostructural approach, and much more. Measures will be discussed for addressing vegetation in shoreline master plans, as well as techniques for monitoring vegetation. The class is intended to increase your understanding of the functions of native shoreline vegetation and provide a technical overview of shoreline re-vegetation and bio-engineered stabilization methods. The class will help consultants improve their mitigation designs and administrators evaluate and condition mitigation measures more effectively. The afternoon session will be conducted in the field, so dress appropriately. (6.5 CM AICP Credits/CEP Points) 

Lunch is provided.

Instructors:  Ben Alexander co-founded Sound Native Plants in 1991, an Olympia-based native plant nursery and ecological restoration company. He has worked in ecological restoration for more than 30 years. Ben's experience includes creating and implementing plans for shoreline and slope stabilization using bioengineering methods including live crib walls, vegetated geogrids, willow fascines, geotextiles, and native plantings. He served for five years as the environmental planner for Thurston County Stormwater Program, where he helped develop the county’s first stormwater design manual and authored several comprehensive drainage basin plans. Ben spent four years managing roadside and wilderness ecological restoration programs in Olympic National Park and Yosemite National Park.

Wendy Gerstel, proprietor and principal of Qwg Applied Geology, is a licensed Engineering Geologist and Hydrogeologist in Washington State. She has over 30 years of experience working with Federal, State, and local jurisdictions, Tribes, non-profit groups, and private landowners throughout the U.S. and extensively in the Pacific Northwest.  Since 1992, Wendy has provided coastal geologic, geomorphic, and hydrogeologic input to a range of research, mapping, mitigation, and restoration projects around Puget Sound. She has extensive experience mapping Puget Sound glacial deposits and unstable slopes, and providing professional input to land-use planning decisions and restoration projects.

Washington State Department of Ecology 


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