In this online, interactive workshop, you will learn how to conduct an assessment, use a logic model to plan a new project or reassess a current one, and prepare for a meaningful evaluation. Attend this course to learn project planning practices that help you build in accountability and strategic thinking, reveal assumptions, and create a targeted effort with measurable results.
The 9 hours duration over the 3 days includes time spent in self-guided learning, live sessions, and individual consultations with a trainer. On both June 16 and June 17, you will need to sign up for 25 minute online consultations with one of the instructors between 8:30 am - 11:00 am. Once each of you have met with the instructors during your schedule times, all registrants will resume the class session from 11:45am - 3pm. We will reach out to participants as soon as possible to schedule these sessions as we know it is helpful in planning your mornings.
You are encouraged to sign up for this course with a co-worker who is working on the same project as you. Please email bros461@ecy.wa.gov if you plan to do this.
You will learn how to
- Assess your understanding of the needs driving the project team’s actions and plans
- Apply a systems approach to logically connect project resources, actions, and outcomes
- Create functional logic models for immediate use in your projects
- Generate performance measures for project reporting and evaluation
- Link project design to agency and organization missions, strategic plans, and established program niches
- Prepare for a meaningful evaluation of your project or program
Participant Requirements
- Use the following to engage with trainers and fellow participants: headset (preferred), or speakers and a microphone and Adobe Connect software and the course website (links to both will be provided by NOAA)
- Prepare for the live, online workshop sessions: participate in a 30-minute orientation session, submit a 2-3 sentence description of your project, and complete a self-assessment checklist of your project status
- Join live, online workshop sessions: spend time working on your project plan on your own or with your team and meet with a trainer for feedback
Continuing Education Credits
This course offers 9.25 hours of continuing education credits for the American Institute of Certified Planners and eight hours for Certified Floodplain Manager professional certifications.
Pam Kylstra is a program development specialist with the NOAA Office for Coastal Management. She develops and delivers training programs, serves as an evaluator of coastal programs and National Estuarine Research Reserves (NERR), and provides facilitation services for the coastal resource management community, including Sea Grant, NERRs, and other federal, state, and local agencies and organizations. Ms. Kylstra holds a Master of Science in marine resource management from Oregon State University’s College of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and a Bachelor of Science in zoology from North Carolina State University. She also has completed certification courses in instructional design, facilitation, and mediation.
Liz Lasicki is a training specialist at the NOAA Office for Coastal Management. Liz delivers trainings on project design and evaluation and adapting to coastal risk. She also provides meeting facilitation services. She graduated from the Coast Guard Academy and served as Coast Guard officer interdicting drug smugglers in the Caribbean and conducting search and rescue missions in the Pacific Northwest. After obtaining her Master's Degree in Human Resource Development, she worked as a performance consultant for AT&T and then went on to own her own IT consulting company for over 10 years.